
Ms. Faith Jerop YATOR

Staff Information
Deputy Director,Kabarak University TVET Institute/Coordinator Outreach and Linkages/SAA (Office of the Director, Research)
Directorate of Research, Innovation and Outreach
Outreach and Linkages /administration
Private bag-20157,Kabarak

Faith  holds an MBA, Strategic management (Kabarak University) and a B.Sc. Computer Science (Kabarak University), Diploma, Public relations Management (Kenya Institute of Management).Currently pursuing PhD, Business administration ,strategic Management. Full member of Kenya Institute of Management Membership, a young African Leaders Initiative Regional Leadership Centre East Africa (YALIRLC) mentor and a researcher.

Her research interest is in Organizational leadership and management strategies, Innovation strategies and Quality management. She is passionate in community outreach activities especially on women, girl’s empowerment and youth mentorship. She is currently involved in various community outreach activities.

In-depth Knowledge of information technology skills; software management,network administration ,Gis,computer applications, internet and Email application. Leaderships, seasoned adminstrator and management skills,Proven punctual and can  exceed expectations,Good communicator with customers, stakeholders and staff .Strong ability to deliver outstanding  results and effecting massive positive change. Perfect record of attaining all duties and performance objectives.Able to manage multiple projects simultaneously while meeting all deadlines  and ability to formulate strategies and policies and create new approaches in adverse situations. translate strategies into strategic and operational activities.she has a personal commitment to organizational excellence,dynamic, hardworking, performing individual, result oriented and diligent ,proven ability in self driven at work and readiness to learn.she has a  passion in community outreach especially working with the youth and  women in particular and matters ethics. 

Google Scholar
  • PhD in Business Administration(strategic management option) -ongoing 
  • Strategic  management and leadership certification ,(KIM),September-October, 2021
  • Diploma in Management- Public relations –(KIM)September 2015
  • Masters in Business Administration MBA (Strategic management Option)Kabarak Univesrity.2014
  • Certificate in the use of Gps and  Gis for mapping (Gps and ArcGis 10.0).Dec 2011
  • DiplomaCisco Certification Network Administrator (CCNA),New Horizon College,2007
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Kabarak University,2006
  • KCSE Certificate, Tabagon Girls Secondary School,2001


  • Resource based management Training ,Certificate (Kenya Institute of Manegement)
  • Postgraduate Research Training by Institute of Postgraduate studies, Kabarak University heldon 2nd -3rd June, 2022
  • Research Ethics Training on Social Sciences by Kabarak University Research Ethics
  • Public relations Management Certificate (Kenya Institute of Manegement)
  • strategic management and leadership certificate (Kenya Institute of Manegement)
  • Intellectual Property,by KIPI ;February ,2020
  • Fundamentals of Bioethics Certificate course,2020 (KEMRI)
  • Training on review of effective Instruction in Higher Education ,Online teaching and blended learning ,constructive Alignment;March 2021
  • Training on Pedagogy and ISO 9001:2015 Awareness ,February 2019
  • Participated in young  women leadership training, 2013
  • CCNA 



 Strategic management ,Information technology and innovation skills ,Leadership and management ,Human resource manegement and public relations ,Team player and excelent customer exprience skills and Quality manegement 


  • Deputy Director ,Kabarak University TVET Institute ,May 2022 to date
  • acting Coordinator Outreach and linkages ,Kabarak University ,June 2020 to date
  • Senior Administrative Assistant,Kabarak University, June 2013 to Date
  • Part time lecturer,Kabarak University,2015 to Date
  • Deputy Registration Officer (DRO) & Deputy Returning officer (DRO); Rongai Constituency, June 2012 to December 2013 and Subukia Constituency, January 2013 to May 2013 respectively.
  • Data analyst, Rongai Constituency(IEBC) mapping, June/July 2012
  • Repotour ,public forum hearing  on sensitization and mobilization on report on delimitation of boundaries hearing, Rongai Constituency,16th January 2012
  • Team leader,Nakuru ASK show and official at IIEC (Interim Independent Electoral Commission) stand, July2011
  • Warehouse manager,Baringo East constituency civic by-election,January/February 2011
  • Trainer and Observer, Egerton University, Student Elections – August /September 2010
    • Trained Presiding Officers, Deputy Presiding Officers and Clerks
    • Observed the Elections and made a report on the same.
  • Returning Officer (RO), Presided Region Elections, Red Cross society Nakuru town, April 2010


  • Sanitary pads Outreach  which has attracted grants over KES 300,000 to impact the community , dubbed ,"help a needy girl go to school"
  • Digital literacy outreach programme which attracted grants and award (innovation award ,2022) - to impact children in primary and seconday schools in Baringo and Nakuru county in patnership with other stakeholders 
  • Capacity building and mentorship outreach to high schools and primary  &NGOs/CBOs 
  • Public policy ,reserach and analysis centre-in progress 
  • Contributed to the strategic plan for NETI (Nakuru Endelevu Trust Innitative )in a consultative meeting held on 27thto 28thMay 2022
  • May 2021:Facilitated in the Nakuru County WRC Tourism Training program;Trained over 1400 Hotels  service providers,managers  and owners
  • March to June 2021:Capacity development  and strategic planning/strategic management ;Dandelion Africa staff
  • September to December 2020; Coaching and capacity development  Training  to girls for leaders and boys for change ; Leadership skills and Business strategy  :Dandelion Africa,NGO
  • June 2020 to  February 2021: Developed Tabagon Girls secondary School strategic plan  strategic plan
  • 2019-2020: Among the team that developed  Kabarak University TVET Institute  strategic plan and Business Plan
  • 2013-Date:Training/adviser  women groups “Chamas” and youth groups  on business management and entrepreneurial skills within  Rongai and Nakuru sub counties through Rongai Young Women leaders

organizational strategic  leadership and manegement , Innovation strategies ,Corporate strategies and performance  and strategic Human resource management 





Mara Research Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2519-1381 1(1) 107 – 114





  • Participated  and Presented a paper entitled ‘Effect of Market Innovation Strategies on Organizational Performance in the Communication
    Industry in Kenya’ in the Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK) 3rd Annual Virtual International Research Conference Held on Thursday 24th November, 2022

  • Invited and attended Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis conference ,2022 
  • Presented a paper in the 2021 International Research Conference, Kabarak University
  • Participated in the Intellectual Property,by KIPI ;February ,2020
  • Participated and Attended the Strategic Change Management Conference  2019;Managing Change in the 21stCentury ,Mombasa
  • Presented a paper in the 2019 International Research Conference, Kabarak University
  • Participated in organizing of the Kabarak University Law School International Conference on Corruption ,September 2019
  • Presented a paper in the 2018 International Research Conference, Kabarak University  
  • Participated in the 1st  ,3rd4th5th and 6th  international Research Conference Kabarak University,2011,2013,2014 and 2015 respectively
  • Attended e—Learning Conference at Safari Park Hotel Nairobi,30th May 2007
  • Facilitated E.A.C Conference at Safari Club Hotel Nairobi,19th March to 23rd2007
  • Participated in  UN women civic education training of facilitators workshop ,2013
  • Participated in young  women leadership training, 2013
  • Participated in mentorship program,Yali regional leadership centre,2016

Manegement information systems ,Strategic management in organizations and HR ,Strategic Information systems,General Management and leadership  ,Entrepreuneurship  and strategic leadership and manaegement 



  • Full member Kenya Institute of Management(FKIM)
  • 2021 September -December : Rongai Sub County Planning Committee during the  marking of the 16 days of activism,Orange the World  ; Against Gender based Violence
  • 2021 October to date: Board member of KIM Nakuru Branch,Vice Chair
  • 2018 April to March  2021 : Kabarak University TVET Institute Task force ,Secretary
  • 2019 February to date: Board of Management, Tabagon Girls High School
  • 2014 January to 2019:Patron Youth empowerment Club, Kabarak University
  • 2013 to date; Treasurer, Rongai Young women  
  • 2010 to date; Chairlady, Teqno mamas Society
  • 2005 to 2006: Team Captain Table Tennis-Kabarak University
  • 1999 to 2001: Head girl Tabagon Girls Secondary School

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)