
Dr Michael NDONYE, PhD.

Staff Information
Senior Lecturer, Communication and Media
Mass Communication
School of Music and Media

A public intellectual and academic, interested in presidential politics (strategy & communication) in kenya. Works at kabarak university as a senior lecturer, and head of the department of mass communication (school of music and media). Holds a phd in communication and media (laikipia university); masters in journalism and mass communication and bachelor of arts(literature, philosophy and economics) from egerton university (kenya). A weekly columnist with the standard newspaper (print and digital). Was the 2017 governance institute laureate with the council for the development of social science research in africa (codesria), dakar, senegal. Has featured on bbc, kenya television network (ktn tv) and spice fm; talking on presidential politics. Anchors his presidential politics analysis and commentaries on the theories of political economy of media and communication.




  1. PhD in Communication and Media (2016-2019): –Laikipia University, Kenya. 
  2. Master of Journalism and Mass Communication (2012– Dec. 2015): –Egerton University, Kenya. 
  3. Bachelor Degree [Literature, Philosophy & Economics] (2005–2009): –Egerton University, Kenya
  4. Certificate in Digital Journalism (2022): ReutersOnline Training sponsored by Meta.
  5. Kenya certificate of Secondary Education (2000–2003): –Nyangwa Secondary School (Mbeere South), Embu County.
  6. Certificate in Computer Applications (2006): –Egerton University ICT Centre.



  1. 2018: ISO 9001:2015 Auditor Certificate–Kenya Bureau of Standards.
  2. 2019: Certificate in University Graduate Tracer Studies–Organized by Kabarak university.
  3. 2019-2020: Training on the use of Moodle and ZOOM for online and blended teaching–Kabarak University Online since 2020.
  1. 2019—Present: Columnist with The Standard Newspaper, on Fridays; Pg. 16.
  2. 2019—Present: Editor and reviewer, Kabarak University Journal of Research and Innovations.
  3. 2019– Present: Editor and Reviewer: Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Athens Institute for Education and Research.
  4. 2019– Present: Editor and reviewer for the Ghana Journal of Linguistics; a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Linguistics Association of Ghana.
  5. 2018—Present: Coordinator, Convener, and Judge:  School of education staff research and publications; conference papers reviewer.
  6. 2018— Present: Director and Managing Editor, Editon Consortium Publishing Journals.



Communication and Media.

[Media and Society (Mediatized Ethnic Relations); Political Communication (Media and Electoral Democracy, Mediatized Political Formations); News Media and Economic Governance (Pan Africanist Perspective); Artificial Intelligence and Media Industry].

  • July 2022 – Present: Senior Lecturer—Communication and Media, Kabarak University
  • June 2022– Present: Programme leader—Bachelor of Mass Communication, Department of Mass Communication, Kabarak University
  • November 2019– Present: Columnist–Standard Newspaper.
  • 2016– June 2022: Lecturer in the Department of Mass Communication, Kabarak University.
  • 2018– Present: Internal Auditor: ISO 9001:2015; Kabarak University.
  • 2017—Present: Member of Graduation and Publicity Committee, Kabarak University.
  • Jan 2015 – Aug. 2016: Part-time Lecturer, Communication & Media; Egerton University, Kenya.
  • 2014 – Aug. 2016: Part-time Lecturer, Journalism and Mass Communication; St Paul’s University, Nakuru campus.
  • May 2013 – Dec 2015: Part-time faculty, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication; Mount Kenya University, Nakuru Campus.
  • Sep 2014 – Dec 2014: Part-time Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication; Multimedia University College, Nairobi.
  • 2013: Research Assistant, KARI, University of Nairobi & the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • 2010: Presiding Officer with Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) Kenya.
  • 2010: Head Registration Clerk with IIEC; Gachoka Constituency.



 1). 2023: PublicationThe rise of Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered language models and adaptability in the media value chain in KenyaOngoing

2). 2022-2023: BookPolitical Economy of Reporting Presidential Politics: Towards Ethnopolitical Oligarchy Construction in Kenya, Published by Utafiti Foundation. ISBN: 978-9966-26-276-9.  Completed

3). 2022: Book Chapter— African Media Space and Globalization, “Kenyan Media Industry: Digitize or Disappear!” SpringerCompleted



Media and Society (Mediatized Ethnic Relations); Political Communication (Media and Electoral Democracy, Mediatized Political Formations); News Media and Economic Governance (Pan Africanist Perspective).



1). 2023: Michael Ndonye (2023). Political Economy of Reporting Presidential Election: Towards Ethnopolitical Oligarchy Construction in Kenya. Utafiti Foundation. ISBN: 978-9966-26-276-9. 

2). 2019: Michael Ndonye (2019). Media, Stand-Up Comedy and Representation: Problematising The Laugh Industry In Kenya. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing - Amazon KDP. ISBN-13: 978-1072749011. https://www.amazon.com/MEDIA-STAND-UP-COMEDY-REPRESENTATION-PROBLEMATISING/dp/1072749017



1). 2023: Michael Ndonye & Mellitus Wanyama (2023). “Kenyan Media Industry: Digitize or Disappear! (Chapter 2)” in African Media Space and Globalization. In Unwana Samuel Akpan (Eds) (2023): African Media Space and Globalization. Springer Nature. 978-3-031-35059-7. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/african-media-space-and-globalization-unwana-samuel-akpan/1143464475?ean=9783031350597

2). 2018: Khaemba Josephine Mulindi, Michael Ndonye (2018). Ideological undertones in mediatized comedy in the Churchill Show of Kenya. In ByIgnatiusChukwumah, B. (2018). Joke-Performance in Africa Mode, Media and Meaning (pp.267-288). Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Joke-Performance-in-Africa-Mode-Media-and-Meaning/Chukwumah/p/book/9780367593605



  1. Otieno Otieno, M. & Ndonye, M. (2022). Theoretical analysis of peace journalism and reporting during electioneering period in Kenya. Journal of Media and Communication, 1(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjmcs.v4i1.39
  2. Mbogho, W., Ndonye, M. & Ogola, J. O. (2021). Ideological Framing of Somali Refugees’ Repatriation in the News Reports in Kenya. Editon Cons. J. Media Commun. Stud., 3(1), 205-211. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjmcs.v3i1.270   
  3. Michael Ndonye (2020). Media, Elections, and Ethnopolitics in Kenya: In the 2017 Elections Reportage, Ethnicity still Mattered. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 7, 1-14 https://doi.org/10.30958/ajmmc.X-Y-Z
  4. Otieno, M, O. & Ndonye Michael (2020). Problematising News Media Ownership Patterns in Kenya: Who controls Media Industry in the Global South? Editon Cons. J. Media Commun. Stud., 2(1), 75-83. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjmcs.v2i1.134
  5. Michael Ndonye; Yieke, F., Ndoro, P. (2019). Emergence of Ethnopolitical Journalism in Kenya: Lessons from the 2017 Televised Political Analyses Shows. Editon. Cons. j. Media Commun. Stud., 1(1), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjmcs.v1i1.52
  6. Michael Ndonye. (2019). Mass-Mediated Feminist Scholarship Failure in Africa: NormalizedBody-Objectification as Artificial Intelligence (AI).Editon. Cons. J. Media Commun. Stud. 1(1), 1-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjmcs.v1i1.47
  7. Michael Ndonye; Ndoro, P., Yieke, F. (2019). Mediatized Horserace Political Analyses: Interrogating the 2017 Elections Political Propaganda in Kenya. Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 1 (2), 86-96.
  8. Michael Ndonye; Vivian Nyaata (2017). Sources of Kenyan Bill of Rights (Art. 32-34) and Media advocacy for the Rights and Freedoms Guaranteed in the Constitution; Sch. Bull.; Vol-3, Iss-10 (Oct 2017):569-575.
  9. Mathews A. Shirima; Michael Ndonye (2017). Mapping out Media-Politics Relationship in Kenya: Comparing the Mwai Kibaki-Uhuru Kenyatta Regimes' Media ownership, Usage and Control. Sch. Bull.; Vol-3, Iss-4 (Apr 2017), 164-169.
  10. Ndonye, M. M. & Ogola, J. O. (2015). Mediatised Governance: Analysis of the 2013 Presidential Debate in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4B), 915-922.
  11. Ndonye Michael, Yieke Felicia; Ogola James (2015). Ethnicity as Discursive Construct in Kenyan Televised Comedy: Humorous Harm? The Journal of Pan African Studies, 8(3), 44-60
  12. Ndonye, Michael, Bartoo, Phylis, Khaemba Josephine (2015). The Tyranny of Televised Comedy: Modeling Ethnic Relation through ‘Churchill Live Show’ in Kenya. Scholars. Journal of Arts Humanit. Soc. Sci.; 3(3A):605-611
  13. Michael M. Ndonye, Emily M. Nyangena (2014). Socialising Online Ethnic Hegemony: Kenyan’s Responses to Political Blog Posts before and after 2013 Elections. Sch. J. Arts Humanit. Soc. Sci., 2(5C), 727-734
  14. Mbatia B. Kinyanjui, Julia, Ndonye M. Michael (2014). The Future of Converged Media in Kenya. Sch. J. Arts Humanit. Soc. Sci., 2(5B):713-716
  15. Michael M. Ndonye, Gladys Kemunto Orina-Abuga & Sylvia M. Masese (July 2014). “Deconstructing Media and Communication Theories: The Advent of the New Media”. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 4(7), 164-175
  16. Michael M. Ndonye (June 2014). “Social Media, Ethnic hatred and Peace Journalism: Case of Twitter and FaceBook use in Kenya.” International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 4(6), 437-450
  17. Michael M. Ndonye & WendoNabea (2014). Media as Opium of Masses: Coverage of the 2013 General Elections in Kenya. Kenya Studies Review, 7 (2), 103-115
  18. Michael M. Ndonye & Vicky Khasandi-Telewa (2013). “The future of print journalism: Internet technology and the 21st Century Newspaper in Kenya.” International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 3 (3), 96-105




  1. International Research Conference On Media And Communication In The 21st Century Governance – 2020: Kabarak University  – Presented a Paper.
  2. The Kabarak University 8th International Research Conference 2019 – Presented a paper.
  3. The 2017 Codesria Governance Institute held in Dakar, Senegal; Directed by Prof. Horace Campbell from Syracuse University; held between 4th and 15thSeptember 2017 – Presented a proposal. Trained on Pan Africanist approach to media research.
  4. 2022—Facilitator: Institute of postgraduate studies, Kabarak University; Orientation And Research Training For Postgraduate Students.
  5. 2020—Facilitator: Academic Integrity, APA 7th edition Manual, and Publishing: Office of the Vice Chancellor; ISO 9001: 2015 management representative.
  6. 2020—Facilitator: Setting quality objectives, article 6.2 (6.2.1, 6.2.2) of ISO 9001: 2015.
  7. Institute of postgraduate studies and the editorial and publication committee research training workshop for graduate students of 16th -18th September 2020.
  8. 2021—Facilitator: Facilitated on “Getting your paper published in a peer reviewed Journal”, Institute of postgraduate studies, Kabarak University; Orientation And Research Training For Postgraduate Students.
  9. 2021—Facilitator: Academic Integrity, APA 7th edition Manual, and Publishing. Office of the Vice Chancellor; ISO 9001: 2015 management representative and Customer satisfaction; article 9.1.2 & 9.1.3 of ISO 9001: 2015.




At Undergraduate level, I teach:

  1. Newsgathering, Writing & Reporting Techniques.
  2. Editorial and Opinion writing.
  3. Basics of Creative writing.
  4. Online/Digital Journalism.
  5. Innovative & Critical Thinking.
  6. Media Management.

 At Postgraduate level, I teach:

  1. Media and Electoral Politics.
  2. Peace Journalism—Theory and Practice.
  3. Political Economy of Media and Communication.
  4. Media Research Methods.
  5. Political Journalism— News, Research & Analysis.
  6. News Media Content Analysis.



  1. Bachelor of Mass Communication— Approved by CUE.
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication— Approved by senate, pending CUE approval.
  3. Diploma in Mass Communication— Approved by senate.
  4. Diploma in Electronic Media— Approved by senate.
  5. Certificate in journalism and mass Communication— Approved by Senate.


Masters Level:

 1. Wakio Rose Alexandra Mbogho: Egerton University, KenyaTitle of the Thesis: An analysis of the framing of arguments about the repatriation of the Somali refugees in the Kenyan and international press (Completed).

2. Emmanuel William Milanzi: Kabarak University, KenyaTitle of the Thesis: Analysis of Music Education Policies in Malawi: Processes, Challenges and Prospects (Ongoing).

PhD Level:

 1. Mohamed Alio: Daystar University, Kenya—Title of the Thesis: Are terrorist organizations creators or inheritors of their media narratives? A case study of Somalia based Alshabab terror group(Ongoing).

2. Stellah N. Matofari: Laikipia University, Kenya— Title of the Thesis: The role of investigative journalism in the political and economic environment in Kenya (Ongoing).

3. Yobesh Maaga Onwong’a: Laikipia University, Kenya—Title of the Thesis: Adoption of radio podcasting in Kenya: evolution, innovation and connection(Ongoing).



  1.  Accredited Media Trainer: Media Council of Kenya: Membership number: MCK040020.
  2. Member: Kenya University Quality Assurance Network.
  3. Member: Embu County Professionals Development Associaeion (ECPDA).
  4. Member: East Africa Communications Association [EACA].


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As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)