

Staff Information
Associate Professor, Physics
Deparment of Biological & Physical Sciences
Kabarak University, Private Bag 20157, Kabark Nakuru

BSc (Hons) [Moi Univ], MSc Physics [Moi Univ], PhD Physics [Moi Univ]


Solid State Physics



  1. Photovoltaic group of University of Eldoret, funded every 3 years by International Science Programme of Uppsala University Sweden where I participate as a Co-PI (Deputy Leader)- (On-going).
  2. Material Science Solar Energy Network for Southern & eastern Africa (MSSEESA) funded every 3 years by the International Science Programme of Uppsala University Sweden  where I participate as a Member of the Coordinating Board (on-going).

Past Projects

  1. Photocatalytic materials- granted by Kabarak University in May 2019.
  2. The Role of The Small And Medium Enterprise (SME) Sector In Generation/ Production Of Sustainable Energy For Industrialization Towards Vision 2030 Funded by National Council of Science & Technology for KES 2,000,000 from 2010-2012 where I participated as a Co-PI.
  3. Modeling and Fabrication of Energy Materials – Solar and Hydrogen Storage Materials Funded by National Council of Science & Technology for KES 6,000,000 where I participated as a Co-PI (2011-2012).

solar energy materials, Fabrication of thin films, Thin films Characterization, 

  1. Emmanuel Akoto, Victor Isahi, Victor Odari, Christopher Maghanga, Francis Nyongesa, Monolith Cs1-xRbxSnI3 perovskite – silicon 2T tandem solar cell using SCAPS-1D, Results in Optics, Volume 12, 2023, 100470, ISSN 2666-9501, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rio.2023.100470. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666950123001220)

  2. Wycliffe M. Isoe, Maxwell J. Mageto, Christopher M. Maghanga, Maurice M. Mwamburi, Benjamin V. Odari, Optical modelling of TCO based FTO/TiO2 multilayer thin films and simulation in hydrogenated amorphous silicon solar cell, Scientific African, Volume 20, 2023, e01678, ISSN 2468-2276, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2023.e01678 .
  3. Ahmad, M. M., Kotb, H. M., Mushtaq, S., Waheed-Ur-Rehman, M., Maghanga, C. M., &Alam, M. W. (2022). Green synthesis of Mn+ Cu bimetallic nanoparticles using vincarosea extract and their antioxidant, antibacterial, and catalytic activities. Crystals12(1), 72.
  4. Truphena J. Kipkwarkwar, P. W. O. Nyawere, C. M. Maghanga, "First-Principles Calculations to Investigate the Mechanical Structure and Optical Properties of Lead Halide Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3", Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 2022, Article ID 1565268, 9 pages, 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1565268
  5. Perpetua JelimoChemaoi, P.W.O Nyawere, C. M. Maghanga,(2021). First-principles Study of Electronic Properties of Dimethyl-Ammonium Tin Triidostanate (II) Perovskite for Photo-voltaic Application in Solar Cell. SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics8(3), 20-23.DOI: 14445/23500301/IJAP-V8I3P104
  6. Getonto, F.O., Kitetu,J. &Maghanga,C. (2021).Assessment of E-Waste Awareness in Medical Facilities in Nakuru Town, Kenya.Editon Cons. J. Res. Med. Health Sci.1(01), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjrmhs.v1i1.266
  7. Laban, O. N., Maghanga, C. M., &Joash, K. (2021). Evaluation of the Technical Wind Energy Potential of Kisii Region Based on the Weibull and Rayleigh Distribution Models. Journal of Energy,2021, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6627509.
  8. Isoe, W., Mageto, M., Maghanga, C., Mwamburi, M., Odari, V., &Awino, C. Thickness Dependence of Window Layer on CH3NH3PbI3-XClX Perovskite Solar Cell. International Journal of Photoenergy Volume 2020, Article ID 8877744, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8877744.
  9. .Judith Chebwogen, OnesmusMunyati, Sylvester Hatwaambo, MghendiMwamburi, Christopher Maghanga, Characterization of Photocatalytic Cobalt Pigmented Anodized Zinc,International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology Vol. 9, No. 2 (May 2020), PP:127-132 doi:10.18576/ijtfst/090206.
  10. Rotich, J., Mwamburi, M., Walter, N., Maghanga, C., Munyati, O., &Hatwaambo, S. (2020). Optical characterization of photocatalytic copper doped thin films of anodized titanium. Materials Research Express7(2), 025505.https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab6e29
  11. Isoe, W. M. (2020). Optical Modeling Of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Films For Spectrally Selective Applications. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 9(1), 1-16.
  12. Oginga Ruth, Felix Musau, and Christopher Maghanga., (2019). A Model for Detecting Information Technology Infrastructure Policy Violations in a Cloud Environment; The International Journal Of Science &TechnoledgeISSNVol 7 Issue 9 September, 2019 2321 – 919X; DOI24940/theijst/2019/v7/i9/ST1909-009
  13. Oginga Ruth, Felix Musau, and Christopher Maghanga (2019). "Demonstrating the Weaknesses of IDS and Firewall on Policy Violation in the Cloud." International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 8, Issue 9, September 2019; DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2019.0809002
  14. Judith Chebwogen, OnesmusMunyati, Sylvester Hatwaambo, MghendiMwamburi, Christopher Maghanga, Optical Characterization Of Co: Zno Films Fabricated By Anodization For Photocatalytic Water Purification. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation8(1), (2019). 1-7.
  15. Ongaki N. Laban, Christopher M. Maghanga, and KerongoJoash; Determination of the Surface Roughness Parameter and Wind Shear Exponent of Kisii Region from the On-Site Measurement of Wind Profiles, Journal of Energy Volume 2019, Article ID 8264061, 12 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/8264061
  16. M. Maghanga and M. M. Mwamburi, Optical and Structural Properties of Nb:TiO2 Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering at Ambient Temperature, Journal of Thin Films Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019 Pages 33 – 36. https://doi.org/10.30799/jtfr.019.19030101
  17. Ongaki, L.N.; Maghanga, C.M...; Kerongo, J. Evaluation of the Technical Wind Energy Potential of Kisii Region Based on the Weibull and Rayleigh Distribution Models. Preprints 2018, 2018100256 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201810.0256.v1).
  18. Ongaki N. Laban , KerongoJoash , Christopher M. Maghanga; Determination of the Surface Roughness Parameter and Wind Shear Exponent of Kisii Region from the On-Site Measurement of Wind Profiles; Proceedings of Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference; June 12-14, 2018
  19. Kigo, J. K., Okere, M. I., Maghanga, C. M., &Chemwei, B. (2018). Science Process Skills Advance Organizer and Students’ Motivation Orientation in Secondary School Physics. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation6(1), 70-88.
  20. Maghanga, C. M. (2018). Influence of Deposition Parameters on Optical Properties of Sputtered Tungsten Oxide Films.  J. Thin. Fil. Sci. Tec7(2), 61-65.http://dx.doi.org/10.18576/ijtfst/070202
  21. M. Maghanga and M. M. Mwamburi “Contribution of Drude and Brendel Model Terms to the Dielectric Function; A case of TiO2:Nb Thin Films”, J. Mod. Sim. Mater., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 3-7, Jan. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21467/jmsm.1.1.3-7
  22.   Josephat K. Kigo, Mark Okere, Christopher M. Maghanga; A Survey Report on the Effectiveness of Advance Organizers Research as a Teaching Strategy, Kabarak j. res. innov. Vol 5 2, pp 19-26 (2018).
  23. Victor Meng'wa, George Amolo, Nicholas Makau, Samuel Lutta, Maurice Okoth, Julius Mwabora, Robinson Musembi, Christopher Maghanga, and Robert Gateru; Electronic Properties of Catechol Adsorbed on Rutile TiO2 and SnO2 (110) Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory Study; The African Review of Physics (2016) 11:0021.
  24. Owino Joseph, Ragama E. Philip and Maghanga M. Christopher, Njeru S. Ngoci; Lead Metal Exposure to Residents Residing in Informal Settlement: A Case Study of Residents in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya; Kabarak j. res. innov. 3 No. 1, 41-47 (2015) ISSN 2305-784X.
  25. Kitui, M. M Mwamburi, F. Gaitho, C. M. Maghanga, Optical Properties of TiO2 Based Multilayer Thin Films: Application to Optical Filters, Int. J. Thin Fil. Sci. Tec. 4, No. 1, 17-21 (2015).
  26. Maxwell J. Mageto, C.M. Maghanga, M. Mwamburi, Hassan Jafri, G.A. Niklasson and C.G. Granqvist; Transparent and conducting TiO :Nb 2 thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique, American Research Journal of Physics; Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015 (ISSN 2380-5714).
  27. Maxwell Mageto, M. Maghanga and MghendiMwamburi, The Lorentz Oscillator model simulation illustrating a broad maximum in the bulk reflectance for frequencies above the resonance frequency, The African Review of Physics (2012) 7:0011).
  28. M. Maghanga, G.A. Niklasson, C.G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Spectrally selective reflector surfaces for heat reduction in concentrator solar cells: Modeling and applications of TiO2:Nb-based thin films, Appl. Opt. 50, 3296-3302 (2011).https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.003296
  29. M. Maghanga, J. Jensen, G.A. Niklasson, C.G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Transparent and conducting TiO2:Nb films made by sputter deposition: Application to spectrally selective solar reflectors, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94 (2010) 75–79.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2009.02.023
  30. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Optical modeling of spectrally selective reflectors based on TiO2:Nb transparent conducting oxide films for silicon solar cell applications, in High and Low Concentrator Systems for Solar Electric Applications IV, edited by Lori E. Greene, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7407, 74070F (2009).
  31. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, Optical Properties of Sputter Deposited Transparent and Conducting TiO2:Nb Films Thin Solid Films, 518 (2009) 1254-1258
  32. Maghanga C., Mwamburi M., Nikalason G., Mageto M., Study of the influence of nitrogen doping on the optical properties of sputter deposited TiO2 thin films, East African Journal of pure and applied science 1 (1) (2008) 86-89 (ISSN 2070-0903).

C) Book Chapters

  1. Chebwogen, J., &Maghanga, C. M. (2020). Fabrication and Characterization of Cobalt-Pigmented Anodized Zinc for Photocatalytic Application. In (Ed.), Thin Films. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.93790
  1. Maghanga, C. M., &Mwamburi, M. M. (2012). Contribution of Spectrally Selective Reflector Surface to Heat Reduction in Silicon Concentrator Solar Cells. In (Ed.), Solar Power. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/27525

D) Article(s) in Newsletter

  1. Christopher M. Maghanga, Bernard O. Aduda (2019), “Impact of MSSEESA’s Activities on Society”, Solar and Renewable Energy exhibition Newsletter-17 th -18 th September 2019 at Kabarak University, Kenya. Pp 11-12. https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:47428663-0ef0-4e5b-a9bc-a83ba8da02c0

Conference presentations/participation (Selected)

  1.   Victor Isahi, Christopher Maghanga, MghendiMwamburi, MunyatiOnesmus, Sylvester Hatwaambo, Simon Mwale; Influence of Post Annealing Temperature on Tin (IV) Oxide Films Prepared by Sol-gel Spin Coating Technique for Improvement of Optical Properties; 2022 MSSEESAMaterials Science Research Conference 16th – 18th November 2022, Blended conference operated from Grand Winstone Hotel, Nakuru Kenya.
  2. Emmanuel Akoto, Victor Isahi, Christopher Maghanga and Victor Odari Numerical Investigation and Performance Optimization of Lead-Free Cs1-XRbxSnI3 – Silicon Tandem Solar Cell; 2022 MSSEESAMaterials Science Research Conference 16th – 18th November 2022, Blended conference operated from Grand Winstone Hotel, Nakuru Kenya.
  3. Alfred Orega, Christopher Maghanga, MghendiMwamburi, Development and Configuration of an Automated Test Equipment for Hall Effect Measurements; 2022 MSSEESA Materials Science Research Conference 16th – 18th November 2022, Blended conference operated from Grand Winstone Hotel, Nakuru Kenya. 
  4. Isoe Wycliffe; Mageto Maxwell; Maghanga, Christopher; Ning’i Patrick; Odari, Victor; Sifuna James; DFT-Based Study on CH3NH3SnI3-xBrx Perovskite Solar Cell; Kabarak University International Conference on Mathematical, Pure and Applied Sciences Conference 2022 (12th July 2022) 
  5. Akoto Emmanuel; Maghanga Christopher; Odari Victor; Isahi, Victor; Modelling Of Photovoltaic Characteristics Of Lead-Free Cs1-XRbXSnI3 ; Kabarak University International Conference on Mathematical, Pure and Applied Sciences Conference 2022 (12th July 2022.
  6. Perpetua JelimoChemao, C. M. Maghanga, M. Mwamburi, First principles study of Electronic Properties of Dimethyl-ammonium Tin triidostanate (II) Perovskite for Photo-voltaic Application in solar cell; 2021 MSSEESA Workshop on Materials for Solar Energy Conversion University of Eldoret, School of Sciences, 2nd – 3rd November 2021.https://1drv.ms/b/s!AsZlZEh0H69Hin5ixTV2DrpWdDG
  7. Wycliffe M. Isoe, M. Mageto, C. M. Maghanga, M. Mwamburi, and V. Odari, Numerical Study of n-i-p Based Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Solar Cell Using SCAPS-1D Device Simulation; 2021 MSSEESA Workshop on Materials for Solar Energy Conversion University of Eldoret, School of Sciences, 2nd – 3rd November 2021.https://1drv.ms/b/s!AsZlZEh0H69Hin5ixTV2DrpWdDGl
  8. Perpetua JelimoChemaoi, P.W.O. Nyawere and C.M. Maghanga, Computation of Electronic and Structural Properties of Tin halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic Application by first principles Computation of Electronic and Structural Properties of Tin halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic Application by first principles Kabarak University International Conference On The Basic Sciences 2021 https://conf.kabarak.ac.ke/event/40/contributions/contributions.pdf
  9. Maghanga C. Mkiremaa, Chebwogen Juditha, Mghendi M. Mwamburi; Dielectric impedance spectroscopic studies of Nb:TiO2 thin films. 2nd Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials for Solar Energy Conversion; University of Nairobi, School of Physical Sciences, 4th – 6thNovember 2020
  10. Wycliffe Isoea, Maxwell Magetoa, d, Christopher Maghangab, d, MghendiMwamburi c, Victor Odaria, d and CellineAwino; .Thickness Dependence of Window layer on CH3NH3PbI3-XClX Perovskite Solar Cell; 2nd Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials for Solar Energy Conversion; University of Nairobi, School of Physical Sciences, 4th – 6th November 2020;
  1. KIPKWARKWAR, Truphena .J. (Kabarak University) Co-Author(S) : Dr. NYAWERE , Phillip .O. (Kabarak University); Dr. MAGHANGA , Christopher; Ab Initio Study Of Mechanical Properties Of Lead Halide Perovskite For Photovoltaic Application.Kabarak University International Conference On The Basic Sciences – 9th Oct 2020
  1. Janet Muthui, P. O. Nyawere, C. M. Maghanga, MghendiMwamburi;ab Initio Study Of Structural And Electronic Properties Of B-Doped SnO2, Kabarak University International Conference on the Basic sciences 2019 (17th-18th September 2019), Kabarak university, Kenya.
  1. Judith Chebwogen, OnesmusMunyati, Sylvester Hatwaambo, MghendiMwamburi, Christopher Maghanga,  SellahKebenei, Optical characterization of Cobalt pigmented ZnO films fabricated by anodization for photocatalytic water purification.Kabarak University International Conference on the Basic sciences 2019 (17th-18th September 2019), Kabarak university, Kenya.
  1. Isoe Wycliffe M, Maxwell J.Mageto and C. M. Maghanga, Using The Dielectric Constant Of Combined Drude And Lorentz To Model The Optical Properties Of SnoO: F For Solar Energy Applications. Kabarak University International Conference on the Basic sciences 2019 (17th-18th September 2019), Kabarak university, Kenya.


  1. TruphenaKipkwarkwar, P. O. Nyawere, C. M. Maghanga. ab Initio Study Of Electronic Properties Of Lead Halide Perovskites for Optical Perfomance Of Solar Cell. Kabarak University International Conference on the Basic sciences 2019 (17t-18th September 2019), Kabarak university, Kenya


  1. Peter c. Owino, Maurice M. Mwamburi, David Waswa, Margaret E. Samiji, NuruR.Mlyuka, Grace A.Kinunda, Christopher Maghanga, Structural Properties Of Photocatalytic Copper Pigmented Anodized Titanium, Kabarak University International Conference on the Basic sciences 2019 (17t-18th September 2019), Kabarak university, Kenya


  1. Judith Chebwogen, OnesmusMunyati, Sylvester Hatwaambo, MghendiMwamburi, Christopher Maghanga,  ''Optical Characterization Of Cobalt Doped Zinc Oxide Prepared By Anodization''. E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, September 16th to 19th, September 2019 at the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland.
  1. Julia Rotich, MghendiMwamburi, Njoroge Walter, Christopher Maghanga, OnesmusMunyati and Sylvester Hatwaambo.''optical Characterization Of Copper Doped Thin Films Of Anodized Titanium'' E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, September 16th to 19th, September 2019 at the Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland.
  1. David Mpanga, Christopher Maghanga,  RabahKefa; A Proposed Framework For Implementing Cloud ERP  System In A Developing Country Local Government: A Case Of Uganda, Kabarak University International Conference on Computing and Information Systems. 8th – 9th October 2018 Nakuru, Kenya.
  1. Ruth AnyangoOginga, Prof Musau Felix and .Maghanga Christopher, An Architecture For Detecting Information Technology Infrastructure Policy Violations In A Cloud Environment; Kabarak University International Conference on Computing and Information Systems. 8th – 9th October 2018 Nakuru, Kenya.
  1. Musau Felix, Ruth Oginga, Maghanga Christopher; Evaluation of mechanisms that enable self- protection on policy violation in cloud Infrastructure; Kabarak University International Conference on Computing and Information Systems. 8th – 9th October 2018 Nakuru, Kenya.
  1. Ongaki N. Laban , KerongoJoash , Christopher M. Maghanga, Comparative analysis of wind power potential prediction methods from the measured methods based on Kisii wind profiles; Joint MSSEESA and DAAD International Conference on Materials Science Research for Sustainable Energy in Africa, 25th September 2018, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Judith Chebwogen, C.M. Maghanga and MghendiMwamburi; Fabrication and Characterization of Anodized Doped Zinc for Photocatalytic Application. Joint MSSEESA and DAAD International Conference on Materials Science Research for Sustainable Energy in Africa, 25th September 2018, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Ongaki N. Laban, KerongoJoash , Christopher M. Maghanga; Determination of the Surface Roughness Parameter and Wind Shear Exponent of Kisii Region from the On-Site Measurement of Wind Profiles; Kibabii University 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference; June 12-14, 2018.
  1. Christopher MkiremaMaghanga, Maurice MghendiMwamburi; Analysis of the Contribution of Drude and Brendel Model Terms to the Dielectric Function; ICMM 2017: 19th International Conference on MaterialModelling held in Rome, Italy on September, 18-19, 2017.
  1. Maghanga C. M. and MghendiM.M;Figure of merit for spectrally selective reflector surfaces,., 6th-11th December, 2015 in Mensvic Grand Hotel, East Legon, Accra-Ghana.
  1. D. Magero, N. W. Makau, G. O. Amollo, S. Lutta, M. D. O. Okoth, J. M . Mwabora , R. J.Musembi, C. M. Maghanga, R. Gateru;Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel: An ab-initio Study of Lithium Hydride and MagnesiumHydride1st Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials Science and Solar Cell Technology , United Kenya Club on 28-29 November 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Mageto, M.J; Maghanga, C.M; Mwamburi, M; Jafri, H; Niklasson, G.A; Granqvist, C.G;Trasparent and Conducting TiO2:Nb Thin Films Prepared by Spray Prolysis Technique ,  1st Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials Science and Solar Cell Technology , United Kenya Club on 28-29 November 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Kitui, M.; Gaitho, F; Maghanga, C.Optical properties of TiO2 based multilayer thin films  ;  1st Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials Science and Solar Cell Technology , United Kenya Club on 28-29 November 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Mwonga, P V; Makau, N W.; Amolo, G O.; Lutta, S.; Okoth, M D O.; Mwabora, J M.; Musembi, R J.; Maghanga., CM.; Gateru, R.Ab-initio Studies of point defects in TiO2: A density functional approach  ;  1st Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials Science and Solar Cell Technology , United Kenya Club on 28-29 November 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
  1. Mulwa, W; Makau, N W; Amolo, G O; Lutta, S; Okoth, M D O; Mwabora, J M; Musembi, R J; Maghanga, C M; Gateru, R;Structural and Electronic Properties of TiOj Nb:Ti02 and Cr:Ti02:A First Principles Study  ;  1st Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials Science and Solar Cell Technology , United Kenya Club on 28-29 November 2013, Nairobi, Kenya


  1. M. Kitui, F. Gaitho, M. Mghendi, C. Maghanga; Optical Properties of  TiO2 Multilayer thin films: Application to optical filters, Kabarak University 2nd Annual International conference- Nakuru, Kenya;  16-18th October 2012
  1. Kioko, S; Mwamburi, M., and Maganga, C.;The Effect of Temperature on the Output Characteristics of a Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cell using the Laser Beam Induced Current/Voltage (LBIC/LBIV) Technique, Moi University 8th Annual International Conference,Eldoret Kenya 4th – 8th September, 2012
  1. Maxwell J. Mageto,, Christopher M. Maghanga, Mghendi M. Mwamburi, Gunnar A. Niklasson, Claes-GöranGranqvist; Electrical and optical properties of TiO2:Nb thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique, Paper 8470-27, International Sympossium on SPIE Solar Energy + Technology, 11th -16 August 2012, San Diego, California, U.S.
  1. C. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Optical modeling of spectrally selective reflectors based on TiO2:Nbtransparent conducting oxide films for silicon solar cell applications, ICMAT 2011, 26 June -1 July, 2011, Singapore.
  1. Peter B. Kibas, Christopher Maghanga, Severinus Kifalu, Mohammed Swaleh and EliudWasike, The role of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector in generation or production of sustainable energy for industrialization towards vision 2030 (Nairobi, 2010).
  1. C. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, “Optical properties of a spectrally selective reflector based on TiO2:Nb deposited on Aluminium”. Conference on Opto-Electronic Devices: Their Potential for Sustainable Development July 8th - 9th, 2010,  Nairobi, Kenya
  1. C. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Optical modeling of spectrally selective reflectors based on TiO2:Nb transparent conducting oxide films for silicon solar cell applications, International Sympossium on SPIE Solar Energy + Technology, 2-6 August 2009, San Diego, California, U.S.
  1. C.M. Maghanga, J. Jensen, G.A. Niklasson, C.G. Granqvist, M. Mwamburi, Transparent and conducting TiO2:Nb films made by sputter deposition: Application to spectrally selective solar reflectors,  XVII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC2008), Symposium 4.- Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials and Thin Films, August 17-21, 2008, Cancún, Mexico.
  1. C. M. Maghanga, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, DC Magnetron sputter deposited solar selective reflector surface based on thin films of Nb:TiO2 for silicon solar cell application, 2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides, 22 - 26 October, 2008, Crete, Greece,  
  1. C. M. Maghanga, M. Mwamburi, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, Influence of reactive sputtering in the presence of H2 on the structure of anatase TiO2:Nb TCO thin films, International Conference on  Solar Energy Materials Research, 13th -  October  15th October, 2009, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  1. C. M. Maghanga, M. Mwamburi, G. A. Niklasson and C. G. Granqvist, Optoelectronic properties of DC Magnetron sputtered thin films of TiO2:Nb, , International Conference on  Solar Energy Materials Research, 13th -  October  15th October, 2009, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  1.  Christopher .M. Maghanga, Mwamburi M Mghendi, Gunnar .A Niklasson.,  Arne Roos, Maxwell Mageto,  A Study of the Influence of Nitrogen Doping On the Optical Properties of Sputter deposited  TiO2 thin films, Moi University 2ND Annual International Conference 29th August 2006 - 2nd September 2006, Kenya

F) Learning/Training Manuals

 Laboratory Manual for Undergraduates (2011) 1st Edition

G) Books

 1)      Wycliffe Isoe,  Maxwell MagetoChristopher Maghanga; Optical Modeling Of TCO Based FTO/TiO2 Multilayer Thin Films For Perovskite Solar Cell Application Paperback – September 24, 2020; Lambert Academic Publishing 2021


  • 2nd Young Scientists’ MSSEESA Conference on Materials for Solar Energy Conversion; University of Nairobi, School of Physical Sciences, 4th – 6thNovember 2020.
  • Solar sensitization workshops during the Kabarak University International Conferences: 1st (2017) and 2nd (2018) Annual Solar and Renewable Energy Exhibition.
  • Workshop & Panning Meeting For Material Science & Solar Energy Network For Esatern& Southern Africa (Msseesa) - University Of Eldoret Node 2nd - 4th May 2019 at Grand Winston Hotel, Nakuru(Convener)

4)      One-Day Hands-On Workshop for postgraduate students On “Density-Functional Theory And Applications” Held On 5th July 2019 At Kabarak University, Nakuru, Kenya.(Convener)5)      Local Organizing Committee member for 3RDPan African Conference On Crystallography (PCCR3), 2021.6)      All yearly Kabarak University Conferences since 2011 to 2018.


Journal/Conference proceedings Reviews (selected)

1.      EAI INTERSOL 2022 - 5th EAI International Conference on Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas (Reviewed 3 research articles)2.      Kabarak University Proceedings (entire proceedings upto 2018)3.      South African Institute of Physics (SAIP2015)4.      Solmat


Masters Level:
  1. Stellamaris Lydia Kioko (M.Sc), Modelling of artifacts and the effect of temperature on the output characteristics of a monocrystalline solar cell using the Laser Beam induced current/ voltage (LBIC/LBIV) technique Moi University - ( Graduated  in 2012).
  1. Manasse Kitui, Optical properties of TiO2 based multilayer thin films: application to optical filters; MasindeMuliro University of Science & Technology (graduated in 2013)
  1. Laban Ongaki Assessment of Wind Energy Potential and its Localized Characteristics in Kisii Region, Kenya; Kisii University (graduated in 2018).  
  1. Truphena Mengich Ab initio study of electronic, optical and mechanical properties of lead halide perovskite (graduated in 2021). .
  1. Judy Koskei Fabrication and Characterization of Cobalt Pigmented Anodized Zinc for Photocatalytic Application, Kabarak University (graduated in 2019)
  1. Owino Orega Development of an automated hall effect experimentation method for the electrical characterization of thin films (To graduate in 2023).
  1. Wycliffe Isoe Optical Modeling Of TCO Based FTO/TiO2 Multilayer Thin Films For Silicon Solar Cell Application, MasindeMuliro University of Science & Technology, Kenya (Passed; Graduate in 2021).
  1. Perpetua JelimoChemaoi,ab intio of the Properties of Tin Halide PerovskiteFor Photovoltaic Application (graduated in 2022).
  1. EmmanualAkoto Modelling Of Photovoltaic Characteristics Of Lead-Free Cs1-x RbxSnI3 Using Scaps 1d For Solar Cell Applications (To graduate in 2023).
  1. Victor Isahi Investigation Of Photocatalytic Effect Of Thin Films for Wastewater Treatment (To graduate in 2023)
  1. Francis OgoroGetonto; Assessment Of The Management Of Electronic Waste In Medical Facilities In Nakuru City, Nakuru County, Kenya (graduated in 2022)
PhD Level:
  1. JosephatKariruKigo Effect on students’ performance after exposure of process skills table of specification as an advanced organizer in physics instruction in Laikipia County (2017) - Graduated.
  1. Ruth Oginga A model for detecting IT infrastructure policy violations in a cloud environment (graduated 2019)
  1. David Mpanga Developing a Framework for Implementing a Hosted Enterprise Resource Planning System in Local Government in a Developing Country (to submit thesis for examination, 2023).
  1. Paul Kibet: Fabrication and characterization of transparent thin film RFID tags 
  1. Wycliffe Isoe, Photocatalytic and Magneto-Electro Analysis Of Titanate Compounds: A DFT and Experimental Based Study 

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)